Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tortamisu and Vallarta Torte - Office Baby Shower

This is a very belated post, but a couple months ago, I made two cakes for an office baby shower! One with espresso for a pick-me-up, and one with tequila for a bit of relaxation. Neither of which were soaked enough to have any of those effects of course, but I was amused when someone pointed this out to me.
The first is a Tortamisu, from Extraordinary Desserts. According to  Extraordinary Desserts' website:

"Our unique version of Tiramisu consists of espresso soaked ricotta cake layers and Italian mascarpone rum cream. This house favorite is finished with whipped cream and dusted with cocoa."

I didn't have chocolate paillettes, so I simply coated the sides with toasted cake crumbs, and then chocolate jimmies. I would have preferred real chocolate, but the jimmies still did the trick, at least as far as texture goes. This cake was delicious and decadent but not too heavy or sweet.
The second is the Vallarta Torte, also from Extraordinary Desserts. I don't think this cake is currently available in store, so I don't have an official website description of it, but it is made of sponge cake layers soaked with a tequila simple syrup, and filled with layers of lime curd and lime curd pastry cream.
The outside is coated with lime curd whipped cream and toasted coconut chips. My execution of this cake wasn't stellar, but fortunately the whipped cream and coconut chips covered the imperfections! This cake was light and refreshing, and a great contrast to the Tortamisu.
Each of these cakes was quite an undertaking, and the two of them together resulted in a pretty late night, but I'm happy I was able to pull them off.