Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Office Bytes | Holiday Eggnog Bombe

Happy holidays! My 2015 new year's resolution is to establish a new Milo's Bonbons website/storefront (with a blog section to keep providing updates of course). But before we bid farewell to 2014, here is one more post from the holiday season -- my plated dessert version of the classic eggnog.
This bombe is made with a rum crème brûlée tucked inside a crème anglaise Bavarian cream dome, on top of a cinnamon nutmeg shortbread. I plated this with a pear compote, shortbread crumbs and a curled wafer for my office holiday party potluck. This dessert was great while it was still cold and semi-frozen. Admittedly once it hit room temperature, I thought the flavors and textures were a little flat. (Certainly not as interesting as my original incarnation of this dessert as a citrus margarita bombe, which I created for my pastry school plated dessert project. I'll recap that project shortly!) Then again, I don't actually consume eggnog so I'm probably not the best judge for what eggnog should taste like . . .
But, this was a good opportunity to practice the preparation and service of a plated dessert. Main takeaway: stick with simple baked goods for an office potluck to avoid sleep deprivation.

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