Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wedding Preview | Malibu Romance

A couple weekends ago, I soft-launched the new Milo's Bonbons logo when I catered a wedding in Malibu. I'm excited to share what I made and describe that adventure in more detail, but I may need to wait for professional photographs, as I didn't have much time (or lighting) to capture many good ones myself. In the meantime, here's a quick preview of the wafer paper flowers I made for the wedding cake:

Wafer paper is made of potato starch, and with edible ink, you can print pretty much any color you want. I printed out shades of coral and pink to try to match the bride's bouquet, and then cut out petals to assemble together with piping gel. It takes a little time, but it's a little cleaner and quicker than gumpaste flowers. I also love the soft, romantic feel that wafer paper lends itself to. Can't wait to keep exploring this technique!

More detailed post on the wedding to come!

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